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Trump was robbed of the 2020 Presidency by nefarious actors and the Deep State.
People so easily adapt new technologies to avoid minor inconveniences. Do they every think about the consequences, though?
So many questions.
So many obvious inconsistencies.
Aliens landed on Earth, and the government is studying them in Area 51.
He (She???) is mostly harmless. Probably libertarian and just wants to be left alone.
Birds? Or government drones sent to spy on us?
Government is always trying to control us. Easiest way is to poison us all from the air.
They want us to always be afraid. Climate Change is just a way to control the masses.
Who really started COVID-19? The Chinese? Bill Gates? Your mom? It's time to find out!
Weird random shapes in farmers' crops.
Probably Aliens.
The Denver International Airport conspiracy theory suggests that the airport has hidden underground facilities, secret tunnels, and connections to the Illuminati or extraterrestrial activities.
Global Elites had him killed.
The Earth is flat, like a floating disc through space.
There is a secret society called the Illuminati that controls world events.
A small group of powerful individuals control the global economy behind the scenes. They are accused of manipulating financial markets, governments, and causing economic crises for their own benefit. See Illuminati.
It is the Jews. It's always been the Jews.
They control everything.
Suggests that the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy in 1963 was part of a wider conspiracy involving the CIA and other government agencies.
Claims that the shooter was in fact a federal asset.
Claims that a group of people in positions of great power are all lizard people working together against regular humans.
Ancient dinosaur stuck in a lake. Who is incredibly camera shy.
Claims that the Apollo moon landing in 1969 was staged by NASA.
suggests that a globalist cabal is working to establish a totalitarian world government.
The Queen, or someone who wanted to protect the Queen, had her killed.
An internet-based conspiracy theory that alleges that a secret cabal of Satan-worshipping, cannibalistic pedophiles is running a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotting against former US President Donald Trump. Related to Epstein theory.
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