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Who is the evil cabal that controls our lives? Is it the Illuminati, the Jews, the Lizard Men, or the WEF? Or something even more sinister...
Jeffrey Epstein ran a secret network of child sex slaves and sold their services to wealthy billionaires and famous people around the world. Yet he died in prison, by suicide, before he could name names. Video footage and suicide watch precautions all seemed to fail.
How did an airplane crash and the resulting flames melt steel beams?
Building 7? WTF.
No debris from the crash at the Pentagon?
There is a secretive military facility in Nevada that is involved in studying UFOs and aliens. People believe the government hides evidence from a plane crash in Roswell, New Mexico, and keeps the public in the dark about these activities.
The assassination of US President John F. Kennedy in 1963 was part of a wider plot involving the CIA and other government agencies.
The contrails left behind by airplanes are actually a form of chemical or biological warfare, most likely used by the government to control the population.
Vaccines were used as a means of consolidating control over the masses and either injecting people with tracking devices or collecting data on their DNA.
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